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title national ice cream month post

2023 National Ice Cream Month: Global Flavors, Plant Based and Frozen Novelties

Posted by | Foods, Ice Cream | No Comments

Bringing you the scoop for National Ice Cream Month! July is the time of year where we celebrate our favorite frozen dessert indulgences.

Brands are listening to consumer requests by creating unique flavors, childhood classics and health conscious options. The selection of sweet treats offering global flavors, gluten free, dairy free, vegan, bars, sandwiches and other frozen novelties has grown extensively. Check out this list of the latest ice cream desserts to hit the market during National Ice Cream Month. What will you try first?

National Ice Cream Month

GoodPopGood pop ice cream

GoodPop, the better-for-you frozen treat brand that cleans up your favorite childhood classics and exists to do good in the world. … Read more


National Coffee Day 2021: 14 Coffee Beans and Flavored Treats to Try

Posted by | Beverage, Coffee, Foods | 5 Comments

Coffee lovers, our day is fast approaching! National Coffee Day is Wednesday, September 29 (and October 1 for International Coffee Day). Whether you are a fan of coffee from your local shop or brew your own at home, there is a cup waiting for you. Since I drink most of my coffee at home, exploring new brands and ways to enjoy my favorite beverage flavor is a challenge I welcome. So, on this special day designed for coffee fans, I am sharing a selection of 14 coffee flavored drinks, sweets and snacks for you to sample.

Now, some people drink coffee for the energy boost – thanks, caffeine!… Read more