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The Mystery of Diner en Blanc Arrives in Chicago

Posted by | Festival, France | 13 Comments

What would you think if I invited you to a party with the key direction being you must wear white. The location is a secret until an hour before the event begins. You bring your own table, chairs, linens and food. And you have the time of your life!

Diner en blanc pop up festival on Chicago's lakefront


Diner en blanc pop up festival on Chicago's lakefront

It’s called Le Diner en Blanc and was started 30 years ago in Paris by Francois Pasquier and a handful of friends. Now, you will find events across the world with thousands of guests in attendance each time. The concept is simple: bring together a group of guests in a secret location where the purpose is to share a beautiful meal with new and old friends at a city’s most special locations.… Read more