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the landscape of Tuscany

Nonnas Teach Cooking Classes in Italy at Tuscan Women Cook

Posted by | Cooking, Culinary Event, Travel | No Comments
What could be better than learning to cook authentic Italian food from the grandmothers (nonnas) of Tuscany? One of my favorite ways to experience the lifestyle in different cities and countries is to explore their culinary world. From restaurants to home cooking to cooking classes to food markets and beyond, there are so many ways to immerse yourself in the culture. 
women cooking Tuscany
Located in the heart of Tuscany, Tuscan Women Cook celebrates the food and culture of the Italian region with their popular culinary vacation. Ensconced in the beautiful village of Montefollonico, Tuscan Women Cook offers an immersive cooking program to their guests.
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Grocery Store Adventures

Posted by | Cookbook, Ethnic foods, Grocery Stores, Spices | 3 Comments

If you are reading this blog, chances are you like to cook or have someone in your life that does. Today’s conversation is about ways to learn about all the cooking resources your city has to offer beyond visiting restaurants and reading cookbooks.

One of the more unique things that I have done in my free time is take advantage of all the diverse, ethnic grocery stores in my city. A couple years ago, my friend and I decided to go exploring these stores to learn about the food items available to us that fall outside the realm of our typical groceries.… Read more

Father’s Day Gift ideas

Posted by | BBQ, Coffee, Cookbook, Cookware, Foods, Gift Guide, Grilling, Housewares, Knives, Spices | 10 Comments

Sunday, June 15, 2014 is Father’s Day. The list of Father’s Day gifts for Dad can literally go in all directions: sporting goods, clothing, electronics…..

Since Inspiring Kitchen is all about finding and recommending items for your kitchen, we thought we would offer our favorites.

1) Nespresso VertuoLine




Start his day off right….coffee! Whether your Dad’s preference is espresso or a traditional cup of coffee, this machine covers both bases. You may already be familiar with the Nespresso machines and know how good their coffee/espresso varieties are. What’s unique with this dual capability machine is each pod has a bar code on it identifying the brew style for the contents so each cup turns out rich and delicious.… Read more