Having just talked about the need to use the right tools for your ceramic and non-stick cookware in my previous post, I wanted to share with you a brand of wooden tools that I found made by a Canadian company called Timbers.
Now, we can find wood tools at any store these days, right? What I found so lovely about these products is that they are well-made and attractive to the point that they can be used for both cooking AND serving. You always need wood spoons for mixing on and off the stove. Wood is easy on your cookware whether it is non-stick, ceramic or even stainless. But, what I liked is that these pieces are perfect for serving at the table or on a buffet if you are entertaining. That’s a bonus for me!
Here are a few of the details about the Timbers brand that I think are worth pointing out:
1) They are handcrafted.
2) They are made of maple wood.
3) They look and feel “finished”. No rough edges to the wood. Sanded to a fine touch.
So that you can get an idea of what some of the wood tools look like, I have attached some examples of their pieces. I would encourage you though to take a look at their website to learn more about the Timbers products and to see where they are sold near you. They also offer a variety of wood boards to add to your collection.
One final thought for you, if you are looking for a hostess gift, why not bring a personal gift of Timbers wooden tools? They will always be a reminder of your time together and will last far longer than the bouquet of flowers.
What are your favorite tools to use for cooking? and serving? Finding a great new kitchen tool is always worth sharing. Thanks for your ideas!