Favorite Finds Archives - InspiringKitchen.com

7 New Summer Food Ideas from Ingredients to Dessert

Posted by | Favorite Finds, Foods | 9 Comments

With all that is going on in the world, we are cooking at home more than ever. Finding ways to relax and keep everyone entertained doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple things like a BBQ or movie night gives adults and kid something fun to look forward too, quarantine or not.  

From fragrant Greek Olive Oil to Cookie Dough Ice Cream bites, here are 7 New Summer Food Ideas from Ingredients to Dessert to enjoy. 

7 summer food items from ingredients to dessert

New Summer Food Ideas from Greece

We may not be able to travel to Greece right now but Chef Pano Karatassos is bringing the taste of Greek dishes to home cooks with his collection of classic ingredients.… Read more

9 Healthy Summer Snack Ideas

Posted by | Favorite Finds, Foods, Healthy | 12 Comments

Are you a snacker? You know what I mean. You routinely reach for a handful of salty potato chips, chunk of chocolate or spoonful of ice cream to make the craving go away. You know that may not be the best choice but it is the easiest and quickest for your busy lifestyle.

In the second edition of the New Summer Foods series, I am sharing 9 healthy summer snack ideas that will resolve your craving, be convenient for your on-the-go work and family life, offer nutritional benefits and of course, taste good! Plus, you will have a new selection of fun treats for your kids that they will be excited to munch on. … Read more


6 Thirst Quenching Beverages to Stay Healthy and Hydrated this Summer

Posted by | Beverage, Favorite Finds, Foods, Healthy | 8 Comments

Without question, 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. As we look for ways to stay upbeat, getting creative in the kitchen, having virtual cocktail parties and even finding new ways to work out may do the trick. With all of that in mind, I went in search of ingredients, beverages and treats that are new-to-market (or just new to me). And did I find a wealth of products to share with you! So many must try items that it will take four themed articles to describe them all. They include healthy snacks, thirst quenching beverages, creative cocktails and mocktails, and delicious pantry staples to sweet treat desserts.… Read more

8 Healthy Food and Beverage Trends for 2019

Posted by | Favorite Finds, Foods, Healthy | No Comments

Keep your health goals by trying these eight new food and beverage trends that include nut butters, olive oil, breakfast bowls, spices and protein packed coffee.

Raise your hand if you promised yourself you would do better when it comes to eating healthier this year.


Most of us really do want to make good choices. We read ingredients, look at calorie count, follow serving sizes and get exercise into our schedules. And then week three starts and we are back to our normal diet. With the best of intentions to help you keep those resolutions you just made, I am sharing 8 new finds to help you achieve your health goals in 2019.… Read more

Sous Vide Herbs de Provence Cod in Wolf Gourmet Multi Cooker

Posted by | Appliances, Favorite Finds, Housewares, Recipes, Technology | 14 Comments

Sous Vide Herbs de Provence Cod in Wolf Gourmet Multi Cooker – How one machine’s precision, design and high quality construction makes cooking so much more efficient and fun. Wolf Gourmet Multi Function Cooker does it all from sear, saute, slow cooking, sous vide, rice two ways, and many more program options.

Have you wondered if there is an appliance that “can do it all” when it comes to cooking your meals? You know, one pot cooking that doesn’t make a mess of your whole kitchen. Well, I found it in my new Wolf Gourmet Multi-Function Cooker.

Wolf Gourmet Multi Function CookerI have typically been a minimalist when it comes to kitchen equipment.… Read more

Get A Good Night’s Sleep With Layla Mattress

Posted by | Favorite Finds, Home Design, Mattress, Review | 2 Comments
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So, how did you sleep last night? Do you feel rested? There is nothing like a good night’s sleep to make or break your day. And if you have a bad back, you will totally know that having a good mattress makes a huge difference in how you feel the next day.

In my search for a new mattress, I learned about the Layla Mattress while surfing the web.… Read more

Even More Favorite Finds from 2017 International Home and Housewares Show

Posted by | Favorite Finds, International Housewares Show, Trade Show | 9 Comments

After spending four days walking the International Home and Housewares Show at Chicago’s McCormick Place, over 2,200 exhibitors from around the world and 400 NEW companies, sharing all my favorite finds was going to take two posts. So, in part two of my summary, you will learn about the following:

  • Millennials are making an impact on trends.
  • Eco-friendly products are gaining momentum.
  • Colors are most welcome, wanted and defined in the housewares world.
  • Housewares Industry professionals are extremely generous.
  • McCormick Place and its three massive halls are huge. 16,000 steps a day. Next year, wear better shoes!
  • Too much to share in one post.
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International Home and Housewares Show 2017 Favorite Finds

Posted by | Favorite Finds, International Housewares Show, Trade Show | 11 Comments

If I told you that the International Home and Housewares Show sold out almost three months before opening day, would you be surprised? How about if you knew that there were over 2200 exhibitors from around the world (and 400 NEW companies) in attendance? The Show’s home for four days is in Chicago at McCormick Place. With over 62,000 attendees from 125 countries walking the show, there are a number of for-sure things that you will leave with:

  • The creativity in housewares is endless!
  • Technology is strongly entrenched in our kitchens making “SmartHomes” available to everyone.
  • Millennials are making an impact on trends.
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9 Best Chicago Ice Cream, Custard and Gelato Shops

Posted by | Favorite Finds, Foods | 13 Comments

To this day, whenever someone asks you to get ice cream, does the ice cream jingle automatically start playing in your head? You know, the one that goes: “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!” I had never put much thought into why I think about that jingle or when I started reciting it until my friend must have finally heard it enough to ask me why. It got me thinking… after a few good reminiscing minutes, I proposed this question to my friend:

When you were a kid and you heard that beloved ice cream truck song, what did you do?Read more

Top Finds and Trends from 2016 International Home and Housewares Show

Posted by | Favorite Finds, Housewares, Housewares Show, Trade Show | 29 Comments

For anyone interested in housewares, this past week’s show would have been your playground. The International Home and Housewares Show ran from March 5 – 8 at Chicago’s McCormick Place. At the show, you will find over 2,100 exhibitors from over 40 countries, educational seminars, cooking demonstrations at the show’s cooking theater, in booth cooking demonstrations, book signings and many other activities.

Top finds and trends housewares show 2016

Coming to the show every year is something I genuinely enjoy doing. I am fascinated by the new technology that is showing up in our housewares products. The color, design and creation of pieces that will make our homes, kitchens and cooking experiences so much more pleasurable.… Read more